Basic Computer Knowledge


 What is computer?

Computer is an all-rounder electronic machine. Man has ever created. Computers have made a great impact on our everyday life. Their presence is felt in almost every Walf of life be IT HOME, SCHOOL, COLLEGE, OFFICE, INDUSTRY, HOSPITAL, BANK, RETAIL- STORES, RAILWAYS, RESEARCH and DESIGN ORGANIZATION etc.....

Types of computers: -

  1. Digital computer
  2. Analog computer

Digital computer:

  • Digital computers process information which is essentially in a binary or two state form, namely zero and one.
  • When talking about computers, we mostly refer to the digital type of electronic machines. These are based on the measuring of analog or equivalent physical value.

Analog computer:

  • Analog computers handle or process information, which is of a physical nature, as for e.g., temperature, pressure etc.

Input Devices:

  • Data are facts, numbers and characters that are entered into the computer via keyboard.
  • other types of input devices are mouse, joystick, light pens, scanners, camera, etc.

Output Devices

  • After the data has been processed, the results are output in the form of useful information.
  • output units such as monitors and printers make the result accessible for use by people.
  • other types of output devices are speakers, projectors, headphones, etc.

What is central processing unit (C.P.U.)?

CPU is the brain of any computer system. In a human body, all major decisions are taken by the brain and all other parts of the body function as directed by the brain. Similarly, in a computer system, all major calculations, manipulations and comparisons are made by CPU. The CPU is also responsible by all other units of the computer system.

How many types of memory in computer?

There are two types of memory in computer:

1. Random Access Memory (RAM)

2. Read Only Memory (ROM)

👆Random Access Memory (R.A.M.)

RAM is a read/write memory. Information can be written into and read form a RAM. It is a volatile memory. It retains the stored information as long as it is supplied with power supply. When power supply is switched off or interrupted, the stored information in the RAM is lost. RAMs of various capacities are available, for e.g., 256 mb, 512 mb and so on.

Read-Only-Memory (R.O.M)

ROM is a permanent memory. Its contents are not lost when power supply is switched off. The user cannot write a ROM. Its contents are written into   at manufacturing time. ROMs store permanent memory programs and other types of data which are needed by the computer to execute user program.

★. Hardware:


★. Software:
